Friday, 6 September 2019

St Johns

On Monday we were lucky to have St Johns in our school.  We have been shown how to put someone in the recovery position.  We also got to learn how to dial 111 and speak to the operator when there is an emergency.  So many tamariki knew their address and could explain what is an emergency and what only requires mum or dad to help. All the children interacted with each other by role-playing and turn-taking.  Ka pai to mahi!

Planting seedlings and installing bug motels.

Rūma Kererū has finally managed to install the mug hotels after the rain cleared and the sun shone.  We have planted Alyssum and Cosmos seedlings and they have started to sprout.  Tamariki are hoping to attract ladybirds to their mug hotels and with the Alyssum and Cosmos we could be successful.  Fingers crossed we see ladybirds around the garden shortly.