Thursday, 17 October 2019

Term 4

Kia ora whānau and welcome to term 4.
We have lots happening in Rūma Kererū this term and look forward to sharing some fun times ahead.  Please take time to read the "what's happening" that is on the walls and doors in our class so you can get a decent heads up on the events coming up.  There will be forms coming home soon that will need to be returned for our trip to Shantytown.

Please always feel free to pop in and celebrate your child's learning or take the opportunity to talk to the teachers if you would like any of your questions/concerns answered.

We have our show coming up and would really appreciate parent helpers with getting some costumes made.  You are welcome to join us in the afternoon if time permits, Teachers and children will love to show you how you can help us get ready for the show and how we participate to make progress.

Swimming will start shortly and as Rūma Kererū are growing we will be swimming in two groups.  Keep an eye on our school newsletter for times and dates for when our swim safe program begins.

Dates to keep in mind:

28th October - Labour Day school is closed.
29th October - TOD (Teacher only Day) school is closed.
30th October - Athletics Day - postponement 31st Otober.

Ngā mihi nui

Whaea Lisa & Whaea Andrea