Friday, 22 March 2019

Buddy Reading

Tuakana and teina roles are one way that is being implemented through buddy reading.  Yr 2 kererū read to Year 1 tamariki every Friday.  This is focusing on building strong classroom relationships while also developing tuakana and teina roles.

Rūma Kererū
Arzadel reading to Jax

Novayah reading to Cassidy

Last day of Swimming for Term 1

Throughout term 1 Ruma Kererū have enhanced the swimming skills by learning to float on their backs, streamlining, roll from their front to their back, monkey walk in deep water and to sit on the bottom of the pool.  Tamariki have gained confidence in the water and enjoy the opportunity when free swimming occurs. Tau kū ruma kererū!!!

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Mapping our School: How do I feel around my school?

In Ruma Kereru we have started learning about
'Me in My Environment' through a series of
Enviroschools activities.

This week we explored maps of our school environment. First we worked out what the base map showed, then we added important places that were missing. Next we thought about how we feel in our school environment. And here are our maps! We will use the maps again to see how our feelings and ideas change as the year goes on.

The key for these maps is:
Green jellybean = a favourite place.
Red counter = a place I don’t like to spend time.
Wooden cube = a place where I feel safe.
Yellow counter = a place I would like to find out more about.